Your org includes several standard profiles where you can edit a limited number of settings. With editions that contain custom profiles, you can edit all permissions and settings except the user license. In Contact Manager and Group Edition orgs, you can assign standard profiles to your users, but you can’t view or edit the standard profiles, and you can’t create custom profiles.
What is a Salesforce Profile?
Profiles control what users can do in your Salesforce org. This can be referred to as CRED:
- C = create
- R = read
- E = edit
- D = delete
See how this looks on a profile’s settings (found under the ‘Object Permissions’ section):
What does a profile Control?
Page layouts :- Which page layout the user has to see.
Field Level Security :- Using field level security we can restrict user to Create, Read, Edit and delete fields.
Custom apps :- Which standard and custom apps the user can view.
Tabs :- Which tabs the user can view.
Record types :- Which record types are available to user.
Login :- Login IP and Salesforce login Hours restrictions can be made t users.