User Story
As a user of the Salesforce platform, I want to ensure that the Other Address fields of my contacts are always in sync with their Mailing Address fields so that I can have accurate and up-to-date information about their location.
public class StringUtility {
public void assignment() {
List<Contact> conList = [SELECT Id, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode, OtherStreet, OtherCity, OtherState, OtherPostalCode, OtherCountry FROM Contact WHERE Mailing_Address_Is_Same_As_Other_Address__c=true];
for (Contact i : conList) {
i.OtherCity = i.MailingCity;
i.OtherCountry = i.MailingCountry;
i.OtherState = i.MailingState;
i.OtherStreet = i.MailingStreet;
i.OtherPostalCode = i.MailingPostalCode;
update conList;
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