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Apex Intermediate Progress | ( Lessons)
Lesson: 084 | Math.mod(x)
Returns the remainder of
divided by
Here are some examples:
Integer remainder = math.mod(12, 5); system.debug(remainder);
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Mastered by 34 users.
Apex Intermediate
A. Apex DML Operations
(8 lessons)
01 | DML Statements | Insert
02 | DML Statements | Insert Part II
03 | DML Statements | Update
04 | DML Statements | Update Part II
05 | DML Statements | Upsert
06 | DML Statements | Delete
07 | Database Class
08 | AggregateResult
B. Apex Classes
(17 lessons)
01 | OOP
02 | Classes
03 | Methods
04 | Return Keyword
05 | Access Modifiers
06 | Class Variables
07 | Using the this Keyword
08 | Objects (Instance)
09 | Constructions
10 | Inner Classes
11 | Interfaces
12 | Final Keyword
13 | Extending a Class
14 | Using the super Keyword
15 | Enums
16 | Static Initializer
17 | Abstract
C. Apex Triggers
(9 lessons)
01 | Trigger Syntax
02 | Types of Triggers
03 | Trigger Context Variables
04 | Operation Types
05 | Bulk Triggers
06 | Trigger Handler Class
07 | Using Trigger Exceptions
08 | Context Variable Considerations
09 | Order of Executions
D. Apex Exceptions
(11 lessons)
01 Exception
02 Exception Statements
03 Exception Handling
04 NullPointerException
05 ListException
06 DmlException
07 QueryException
08 Custom Exceptions
09 SObjectException
10 Common Exception Methods
11 Catching Different Exception Types
E. Asynchronous Apex
(6 lessons)
01 | Batch Apex
02 | Batch Apex | stateful
03 | Queueable Apex
04 | Apex Scheduler
05 | Future Methods
06 | AsyncApexJob | getJobId
(10 lessons)
01 | Search in single Object
02 | Search in multiple objects
03 | Dynamic SOSL
04 | For Each Loop for SOSL
05 | For Each Loop for multiple objects
08 | WITH PricebookId
09 | USING Listview
G. Testing Apex
(9 lessons)
01 | Testing Single Method
02 | Testing Multiple Methods
03 | Testing Trigger on Insert and Update
04 | Testing Triggers when there is an exception
05 | Testing Queueable Apex Class
06 | Future Methods Testing
07 | Testing Schedulable Apex Class
08 | Testing Batch Apex
09 | Test Methods
H. Apex Fast Recap
(144 lessons)
001 | Debug
002 | Comments
003 | Data Types
004 | Integer
005 | String
006 | Boolean
007 | Long
008 | Double
009 | Decimal
010 | Date
011 | Datetime
012 | ID
013 | Variable
014 | Case - Insensitive
015 | Length()
016 | toUpperCase()
017 | toLowerCase()
018 | capitalize()
019 | reverse()
020 | indexof()
021 | contains()
022 | equals()
023 | remove()
024 | startsWith()
025 | endsWith()
026 | trim()
027 | charAt()
028 | compareTo()
029 | subString()
030 | lastIndexOf()
031 | equalsIgnoreCase()
032 | removeEndIgnoreCase()
033 | isNotEmpty()
034 | isEmpty()
035 | containsAny()
036 | containsIgnoreCase()
037 | containsNone();
038 | containsOnly()
039 | deleteWhiteSpace()
040 | valueOf()
041 | format()
042 | round()
043 | scale()
044 | intValue()
045 | Object
046 | newInstance(year, month, day)
047 | day()
048 | month()
049 | year()
050 | hour()
051 | minute()
052 | second()
053 | millisecond()
054 | newInstance(date, time)
055 | newInstance(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
056 | today()
057 | now()
058 | dayOfYear()
059 | addDays(additionalDays)
060 | addMonths(additionalMonths)
061 | addYears(additionalYears)
062 | daysBetween(secondDate)
063 | daysInMonth(year, month)
064 | format()
065 | isSameDay(dateToCompare)
066 | monthsBetween(secondDate)
067 | parse(stringDate)
068 | toStartOfMonth()
069 | toStartOfWeek()
070 | valueOf(stringDate)
071 | addHours(additionalHours)
072 | addMinutes(additionalMinutes)
073 | addSeconds(additionalSeconds)
074 | date()
075 | getTime()
076 | time()
077 | Math.max(x,y)
078 | Math.min(x,y)
079 | Math.abs(x)
080 | Math.ceil(x)
081 | Math.floor(x)
082 | Math.cbrt(x)
083 | Math.sqrt(x)
084 | Math.mod(x)
085 | Math.pow(x,y)
086 | Math.random()
087 | Math.round(x)
088 | Logical Operators(&&)
089 | Logical Operators(||)
090 | If
091 | Else If
092 | Else
093 | Ternary Operator
094 | Null Check
095 | Switch
096 | For Loop
097 | While Loop
098 | Break
099 | Continue
100 | Arrays
101 | List
102 | add(listElement)
103 | addAll(fromList)
104 | add(index, listElement)
105 | clear()
106 | clone()
107 | contains(listElement)
108 | equals(list2)
109 | get(index)
110 | getSObjectType()
111 | indexOf(listElement)
112 | isEmpty()
113 | remove(index)
114 | set(index, listElement)
115 | size()
116 | sort()
117 | toString()
118 | removeAll(listOfElementsToRemove)
119 | retainAll(listOfElementsToRetain)
120 | containsKey(key)
121 | keySet()
122 | put(key, value)
123 | putAll(fromMap)
124 | values()
125 | SObject
126 | For-Each-Loop on SObjects
127 | Insert
128 | Update
129 | Upsert
130 | Delete
131 | Database.insert()
132 | Database.SaveResult[]
133 | AggregateResult[]
134 | Apex Class
135 | Class Modifiers
136 | Class Methods
137 | Class Parameterized Methods
138 | Return Keyword
139 | Global Variables
140 | This Keyword
141 | Constructor
142 | Inner Class
142 | ResetPassword
143 | SetPassword
I. Build Apex Coding Skills
(66 lessons)
01 | Create an Account
02 | Create an Opportunity
03 | Create a Contact
04 | Create a Lead
05 | Create a Case
07 | Create a Campaign
08 | Create a Public Group
09 | Create a Permission Set
10 | Update Accounts | Rating as Cold
11 | Check whether a user exists
12 | Create a Contact Associated to an Account if exists
13 | Create Multiple Contacts
14 | Delete the Last Created 5 Accounts
15 | Update Other Address Same as the Mailing Address
16 | Delete all the Accounts if the name contains the word DELETE
17 | Update Account Owner
18 | Clean ORG
19 | Update Shipping Address
20 | Update the Field Number Of Contacts
21 | Retrieve Contacts related to Accounts in a Map
22 | Create a New User
23 | Create 20 Opportunities
24 | Create a User, Account, Contact and Task with Relations
25 | Updating Titles for Finance Contacts in Salesforce
26 | Setting Account Numbers to Default Value Using a Utility Class
27 | Efficiently Deleting Recently Created Contact Records
28 | Create 50 Accounts
29 | Secure Data Management: Ability to Delete All Public Groups
30 | Assign Permission Sets
31 | Frozen Users
32 | Add Users to a Group
32 | Number of the Existing Profiles
33 | Empty Recycle Bin
34 | Retrieve Number of User Roles in Org
35 | Update a Specific User
36 | Create Account Record Only If Name Doesn't Already Exist
37 | Updating Related Records
38 | Deleting contacts with no account association
39 | Update the full name of the contacts
40 | Creating an account, contact, user, and task
41 | Receive the newly created account for further processing.
42 | Converting a closed-converted lead to account and contact
43 | Retrieve and display trigger information in Apex
44 | Update Contact Owner Based on Account Owner
45 | Creating a new User if Unused Licenses Available with Specific User License and Profile
46 | Reactivating Inactive User Accounts in Bulk
47 | Create a new Queue in Salesforce
48 | Delete Queues Starting with "Case"
49 | Multiple Approaches to Creating a Record
50 | Delete Multiple Records from Standard Objects for Data Cleanliness and Optimization
51 | Update the role of a user with an existing role
52 | Create a CollaborationGroup
53 | Associate Contact with 'Bank Of America' Account
54 | Get Static Resources (JSON)
55 | Update Data in Static Resource
56 | Creating Person Account
57 | Retrieve the 'Student' record type associated with the Contact object.
58 | Deserialize a given JSON
59 | Create a New Contact for an Existing Account
60 | Get the Company ID
61 | Get Session User Details
62 | Update Contacts Based on Missing Fields
63 | Generate Random Rating
64 | Create a Queue and Associate it to SObject (Case)
65 | Create a Queue and Associate it to SObjects (Case & Task)
99 | Send Email
You need to complete all the quizzes before certification.
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