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Lesson: 32 | How can we enhanced profile list views?
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Mastered by 68 users.
A. Administrator
(78 lessons)
01 | How many types of relationships are there in...
02 | What is master detail relationship...
03 | How many master detail relationship can be...
04 | What is junction relationship in Salesforce?
05 | Can you have a roll up summary field in case...
06 | Can we create master detail relationship on...
07 | Can we create master detail relationship on...
08 | Can we transform a lookup relationship into...
09 | What are two considerations for converting a...
10 | A custom object contains some records, now...
11 | What is a “Lookup Relationship”?
12 | Does a username have to be an email address?
13 | Is Salesforce username unique?
14 | Can the user records be permanently deleted...
15 | Why we freeze the user in Salesforce?
16 | Can a user be assigned multiple profiles in...
17 | Can two users have same role in Salesforce?
18 | Can we create a new user without role and...
19 | How to delete or freeze users in...
20 | How to set the Login Hours and Login IP...
21 | What are the types of Salesforce reports and...
22 | Can we mass delete reports in Salesforce?
23 | What are Custom Report Types?
24 | Which type of reports can be used for...
25 | What are Dynamic Dashboards? Can we schedule...
26 | What is a profile in Salesforce?
27 | What are the 6 standard profiles in...
28 | What is the difference between profile and...
29 | What is the difference between Role and...
30 | What are permission sets in Salesforce?
31 | What is view all and modify all permission...
32 | How can we enhanced profile list views?
33 | How many records can be imported by Data...
34 | Can you tell us how an assignment rule works?
35 | What is a data import wizard?
36 | What is Upsert?
37 | How can we import more than 50000 records...
38 | Can we delete records using import wizard?
39 | Can you schedule export with data loader?
40 | What is the difference between data loader...
41 | What is the difference between custom report...
42 | How many types of dashboards are there in...
43 | Which standard objects are supported by Data...
44 | Does data import wizard allow duplicates?
45 | What is field-level security and how can it...
46 | What are the security types in Salesforce?
47 | What is a Sharing Rule?
48 | What is manual sharing?
49 | What is User Managed Sharing?
50 | What are Login Hours and Login IP Ranges?
51 | What is a User Record?
52 | What is a Record Owner?
53 | What are Organization Wide Defaults?
54 | What is a Role and Role Hierarchy?
55 | In how many ways can we share a record?
56 | Is it possible to bypass Grant Login access...
57 | Can we use sharing rules to restrict data...
58 | Is it possible to create sharing rules for...
59 | What is the difference between custom and...
60 | What are the relationships between lead,...
61 | What are the Differences Between 18-Digit...
62 | What is Prefix Id in Salesforce?
63 | What characteristics do you possess that...
64 | What are Tabs in Salesforce and why are they...
65 | Can we edit a formula field value in a...
66 | Can we use sharing rules to restrict data...
67 | What is Field Dependency?
68 | Can we schedule Dynamic Dashboards?
69 | What is “View all” and “Modify all”...
70 | What components of the Salesforce security...
71 | Is it possible to modify the "Grant Access...
72 | When creating a new user in Salesforce, what...
73 | Can the organization-wide sharing setting...
74 | What are the different types of sharing...
75 | What are different sharing access levels in...
76 | How Many Ways Can You Share Records in...
77 | How many ways are there to create an email...
78 | What is the difference between static and...
B. Flow Builder
(9 lessons)
01 | What is a flow in Salesforce?
02 | What type of loops can you define in a Flow?
03 | What is the use of $Record.Prior in...
04 | What are the different types of flows in...
05 | What are flow elements in flow builder?
06 | What are flow builder resources
07 | What is the significance of the 'running...
08 | What is flow Interview?
09 | Tell us about Flow Running User?
C. Apex
(41 lessons)
01 | What is Apex?
02 | What are the varies events on which a...
03 | Name the different type of triggers?
04 | Can two fields be compared in a SOQL query?
05 | Can we write SOQL inside for loop?
06 | What is Static Resource?
07 | How can you avoid exceeding governor limits?
08 | What is the default batch size in Batch Apex...
09 | Can we use set in for loop in Apex?
10 | What is bulk API in Salesforce?
11 | What is the difference between a public and...
12 | How can you review your code?
13 | How do you check debugging in Salesforce?
14 | How many case assignment rules can be active...
15 | How would you establish communication from...
16 | What are the decorators in Lightning Web...
17 | What are the differences between Future...
18 | What is Apex framework in Salesforce?
19 | What is case assignment rule in Salesforce?
20 | What is the best practices of test classes...
21 | What is the difference between batchable...
22 | You're working in Lighning, why would you...
23 | What is SOQL in Salesforce?
24 | How many triggers should be created in...
25 | What are the 2 major difference between SOQL...
26 | Write a code using Developer Console to...
27 | Can we use 2 order by in SOQL?
28 | What are some governor limits?
29 | How can a single trigger update records, and...
30 | Can you explain what is meant by bulkifying...
31 | What are the 3 things that you should not...
32 | What is the limit on the number of before...
33 | What type of exception can be thrown as part...
34 | What is Trigger framework in Salesforce?
35 | What triggers case assignment rule in...
36 | Can you explain the purpose and...
37 | Can you explain the purpose of...
38 | What is Batch Apex?
39 | What is interface in Batch Apex?
40 | What is the maximum number of batches that...
41 | Do we use test classes in Salesforce? Why?
D. Integration
(12 lessons)
01 | What is Integration?
02 | What is JSON?
03 | What does SOAP stands for?
04 | What are the REST API Methods?
05 | What are the differences between SOAP and...
06 | What is REST API in Salesforce?
07 | What is Web service?
08 | How do web services communicate with each...
09 | How SOAP and REST will Communicate?
10 | How Many Types Of Api’s Available in...
11 | How Many Callouts To External Service Can Be...
12 | What is a security token in Salesforce, and...
E. Lightning Web Components
(10 lessons)
01 | How do you send data from parent to child in...
02 | What is the file structure of Lightning Web...
03 | What are decorators in LWC in Salesforce?
04 | Can I use multiple decorators on one...
05 | What are the components in Salesforce...
06 | What is Lightning Framework?
07 | What is the base module of lightning web...
08 | What is the nature of data binding in LWC?
09 | What is the difference between lighting aura...
10 | What is the structure of a lightning web...
F. Asynchronous Apex
(0 lessons)
G. Miscellaneous
(1 lessons)
01 | Tell me about custom settings?
H. Soft Skills
(8 lessons)
01 | Can you tell me about a time when you had to...
02 | How do you handle stress or pressure while...
03 | Can you describe a situation where you had...
04 | How do you handle conflicts or disagreements...
05 | Tell me about a time when you had to lead a...
06 | How do you keep yourself updated with the...
07 | Can you provide an example of a situation...
08 | How do you communicate effectively with...
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