Lesson: 04 | What are the different types of flows in Salesforce, and how are they used in automating business processes?
Record-triggered flows: These are flows that are initiated when a record is created, updated, or deleted. They can be used to automate complex business processes and update related records.
Screen flows: These are interactive flows that require user input at various stages of the process. They are designed using a visual builder that allows you to create a customized user interface for the flow.
Scheduled flows: These are flows that are triggered to run at a specific time or on a specific schedule. They can be used for batch processing, data manipulation, or other tasks that need to be executed on a regular basis.
- Autolaunched flows: These are flows that can be started automatically without the need for user interaction, such as when a record is created or updated.
Platform Event–Triggered Flows and Record-Triggered Orchestration: These are specialized types of flows that are triggered by platform events, which are custom notifications that can be sent from various parts of Salesforce or external systems. They can be used to integrate with external systems, automate complex workflows, and manage multi-object updates.
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