User Story
As a Salesforce administrator,
I want to update the annual revenue of each account based on the sum of amounts from associated opportunities, So that the account records reflect the aggregated financial data accurately.
List<AggregateResult> result = [SELECT AccountId Idd, sum(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity Group BY AccountId];
List<Account> acList = new List<Account>();
for(AggregateResult res : result){
Id acId = (Id)res.get('Idd');
Account ac = [SELECT Id, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE Id =: acId];
ac.AnnualRevenue = (Decimal)res.get('sum');
update acList;
By Dilek Uslu
List<Account> acList = [SELECT Id FROM Account];
for(Account ac : acList){
List<AggregateResult> result = [SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM Opportunity
WHERE AccountId =: acId];
ac.AnnualRevenue = (Decimal)result[0].get('expr0');
update acList;
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