Apply your own labels to records to help you organize, track, and find the records you need quickly and easily. Add labels to records related to a region, project, campaign, or anything else that helps keep work organized. Labels that you add to records are separate from labels added to To Do List items.
When you add labels to records, you can quickly view all records with a specific label, as well as the list of labels you've created. Each user creates and manages their own set of labels.
When your Salesforce admin adds the My Labels component to record page layouts, you can see the labels you've added to a record.
You can add labels to records on these objects.
- Account
- Cadence
- Cadence Step Tracker
- Call Script
- Campaign
- Contact
- Case
- Email Template
- Lead
- Opportunity
- Orchestration Work Item
- Task
- Custom objects
Personal labels added to records are separate from Topics, which other users can see.
Each user can create up to 20 labels per object and a total of up to 200 labels. Users can assign each label to up to 500 records. Record labels are separate from To Do List item labels, which are limited to 10 per user. Labels don't count against your organization's data storage limits.
The Label object can't be edited with the Object Manager. The page layout for label records also isn't editable.