You sometimes need to add restrictions on certain database operations, such as preventing records from being saved when certain conditions are met.
To prevent saving records in a trigger, call the addError()
method on the sObject in question. The addError()
method throws a fatal error inside a trigger. The error message is displayed in the user interface and is logged.
Create a trigger that prevents users to delete Accounts without a type.
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before delete) {
for (Account acc: Trigger.old){
acc.addError('You cannot delete this account.');
Create a trigger that prevents users to delete Accounts with related opportunities
Trigger AccountDeletion on Account (before delete) {
for (Account a: [SELECT id FROM Account where id in (SELECT AccountId from opportunities) AND id in :Trigger.old]) {
Trigger.oldMap.get(‘Cannot delete account with related opportunities.’);
trigger AccountTestName on Account (before insert) {
if([0].Name=='America') {[0].Name.addError('Name should not be America. Try USA.');