User Story
As a Sales Manager,
I want to notify account owners with tailored email frequency based on the account rating,
So that they can effectively manage their accounts and stay informed about open opportunities and cases.
Acceptance Criteria:
Frequency Rules:
- Accounts with a "Hot" rating: Notify daily.
- Accounts with a "Warm" rating: Notify every other week.
- Accounts with a "Cold" or "None" rating: Notify monthly.
Email Content:
- Include a list of all open opportunities for the account.
- Include a list of all open cases for the account.
- Emails should be sent only if there are open opportunities or cases.
Email Details
Monthly Account Status: 2 Open Opportunities and 4 Cases for [Account Name]
We’re providing you with the latest update for your account, [Account Name], rated as [Account Rating].
Open Opportunities:
Open Cases:
Call to Action:
Please review these items and take action as needed.