Insert Statement
Create an account with the name 'New Account 1:
Account newAccount = new Account(Name='New Account 1');
insert newAccount;
Create an Account with the following assignments:
- Name: New Account 2
- AccountNumber: 2345643
- Phone: (415) 901-7000
Account newAccount = new Account(
Name='New Account 2',
Phone='(415) 901-7000');
insert newAccount;
You can also insert a new record using variables:
String name='New Account 3';
String acnumber='23456543';
String phone='564 231 22 22';
Account newAccount = new Account(Name=name, AccountNumber=acnumber, Phone=phone);
insert newAccount;
You can also get the ID on the sObject that corresponds to the inserted record.
Account acct = new Account(Name='Acme', Phone='(415)555-1212', NumberOfEmployees=100);
insert acct;
ID acctID = acct.Id;
System.debug('ID = ' + acctID);
Inserting a new Opportunity:
Opportunity newOpp = new Opportunity (
Name='Edge Emergency Generator',
StageName='Closed Won',
CloseDate=Date.newInstance(2022, 6, 3));
insert newOpp;