try {
Account ac = [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 1];
String Site2 = ac.Site;
} catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
You can have several catch blocks—a catch block for each exception type, and a final catch block that catches the generic Exception type.
try {
Account m = [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 1];
String Site2 = m.Site;
} catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('DmlException caught: ' + e.getMessage());
} catch(SObjectException e) {
System.debug('SObjectException caught: ' + e.getMessage());
} catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Exception caught: ' + e.getMessage());
DEBUG|SObjectException caught: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Account.Site
Remember that only one catch block gets executed and the remaining ones are bypassed.
More Examples:
Causes a NullPointerException
try {
String s;
Boolean b = s.contains('abc');
} catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('DmlException caught: ' + e.getMessage());
} catch(SObjectException e) {
System.debug('SObjectException caught: ' + e.getMessage());
} catch(Exception e) {
System.debug('Exception caught: ' + e.getMessage());
DEBUG|Exception caught: Attempt to de-reference a null object