Any problem with SOQL queries, such as assigning a query that returns no records or more than one record to a singleton sObject variable.
This statement doesn't cause an exception, even though we don't have a Account with name='XYZ'.
The list lm will just be empty.
try {
List<Account> lm = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ'];
} catch(QueryException qe) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + qe.getMessage());
However, this statement causes a QueryException
because we're assigning the return value to a Account object but no Account is returned.
try {
Account m = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ' LIMIT 1];
} catch(QueryException qe) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + qe.getMessage());
DEBUG|The following exception has occurred: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
The following statement also will cause exception when there are more Accounts with the name XYZ
try {
Account m = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ'];
} catch(QueryException qe) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + qe.getMessage());
DEBUG|DEBUG|The following exception has occured: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject