User Story
As a system administrator of our Salesforce instance, I want to ensure that when a new contact is created, it is correctly associated with the "Bank Of America" account if such an account exists in the system.
If the account exists, the contact should be created with the first name "John" and last name "Smith."
This will help us maintain accurate and organized customer data.
List<Account> bankOfAmericaAccounts = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Bank Of America' LIMIT 1];
if (bankOfAmericaAccounts.size() != 0) {
Contact newContact = new Contact();
newContact.FirstName = 'John';
newContact.LastName = 'Smith';
newContact.AccountId = bankOfAmericaAccounts[0].Id;
insert newContact;
System.debug('Contact created and related to the Bank Of America account.');
} else {
System.debug('Bank Of America account not found.');