Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Here are some of the common HTTP status codes that you may encounter when working with Salesforce integrations:
200 OK: The request was successful and the server has returned the requested data.
201 Created: The request was successful and a new resource has been created.
204 No Content: The request was successful but there is no response data to return.
302 Found: The requested resource has been temporarily moved to a different location.
400 Bad Request: The request was invalid and could not be processed by the server.
401 Unauthorized: The request requires user authentication, but the user has not provided valid credentials.
403 Forbidden: The user is authenticated, but does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be found on the server.
408 Request Timeout: The server timed out waiting for the request.
429 Too Many Requests: The user has exceeded the rate limit for API calls.
500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server while processing the request.
503 Service Unavailable: The server is temporarily unavailable and cannot process the request.
Note that these are just a few examples of common status codes and there are many more that may be encountered depending on the specifics of the integration and the API being used.
1 | Osman Demirel | 30 |
2 | ED ERDURAN | 20 |
3 | Ridvan Ay | 15 |
1 | Derya Baskol | 2247 |
2 | Solmaz Aliyeva | 1305 |
3 | Sercan Kara | 944 |
4 | Nyaradzai Shoko | 661 |
5 | Eray Dere | 560 |
6 | Okan Ozcelik | 405 |
7 | Ciro Miguel Gongo | 347 |
8 | Ridvan Ay | 295 |
9 | Osman Demirel | 237 |
10 | Evren Akcay | 235 |
11 | Alaattin Kokcu | 230 |
12 | Esranur Bozdemir | 225 |
13 | Nora Arslan | 200 |
14 | Bahar Erdagi | 195 |
15 | Aysun Bilgic | 155 |
16 | EA | 145 |
17 | Mira Ince | 140 |
18 | Sevilay Zencirkiran | 90 |
19 | Yeliz Celiker | 80 |
20 | Ahmet Derdiyok | 65 |
1 | Derya Baskol | 2247 |
2 | Solmaz Aliyeva | 1305 |
3 | Sercan Kara | 944 |
4 | Nyaradzai Shoko | 661 |
5 | Eray Dere | 560 |
6 | Okan Ozcelik | 405 |
7 | Ciro Miguel Gongo | 347 |
8 | Ridvan Ay | 275 |
9 | Osman Demirel | 237 |
10 | Evren Akcay | 235 |
11 | Alaattin Kokcu | 230 |
12 | Esranur Bozdemir | 225 |
13 | Nora Arslan | 200 |
14 | Bahar Erdagi | 195 |
15 | Aysun Bilgic | 155 |
16 | EA | 145 |
17 | Mira Ince | 140 |
18 | Sevilay Zencirkiran | 90 |
19 | Yeliz Celiker | 80 |
20 | Ahmet Derdiyok | 65 |
1 | Derya Baskol | 98091 |
2 | Solmaz Aliyeva | 50120 |
3 | Okan Ozcelik | 31148 |
4 | Tugbag Tamer Yilgin | 28630 |
5 | Engin Basturk | 27031 |
6 | Fatih | 24338 |
7 | Bahar Erdagi | 21617 |
8 | Zehra Bulut | 21598 |
9 | Emel Sarli | 20845 |
10 | Zeynep Yildiz | 19607 |
11 | Alaattin Kokcu | 18067 |
12 | ZY | 18011 |
13 | Burcu Derdiyok | 16651 |
14 | Cavidan | 16514 |
15 | Ozlem Helva | 16258 |
16 | Sebahattin Dalgic | 15751 |
17 | Esra Balci | 15333 |
18 | Ada Lozzy | 14760 |
19 | Ahmet Derdiyok | 14426 |
20 | Hakan Can | 13232 |