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Apex Intermediate Progress | ( Lessons)

Lesson: 12 | Create a Contact Associated to an Account if exists

Create a new Contact with the following details

First Name: Thomas

Last Name: Miller


Associate this contact to an Account with the name Tom Wood Toyota if there is such Account.

If Tom Wood Toyota Account does not exist, then create one and associate it to to contact you created above

And then insert your contact





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Mastered by 63 users.

Apex Intermediate

A. Apex DML Operations (8 lessons)
B. Apex Classes (17 lessons)
C. Apex Triggers (9 lessons)
D. Apex Exceptions (11 lessons)
E. Asynchronous Apex (6 lessons)
F. SOSL (10 lessons)
G. Testing Apex (9 lessons)
H. Apex Fast Recap (144 lessons)
I. Build Apex Coding Skills (66 lessons)

You need to complete all the quizzes before certification.

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